Leap Year

Leap year: 2012 is a Leap Year – A leap year consists of 366 days, as opposed to a common year, which has 365 days. During Leap Years, we add a Leap …

Learning through dictionaries

How often to you use a dictionary? How well can you handle it? A dictionary is essentially a book with translation, explanation, pronunciation and information about words. It is also …

Learning pronunciation

Have you ever tried learning pronunciation through videos? Youtube brings thousands up to you. Try seeing some and practice together with the videos and you will see how much you …

Learning through grammar books

Everyone knows the Internet is full of interesting ways to learn English. However there are those  who feel better when studying in the traditional way. Are you the type of …

Workshops and video practice

TED is a nonprofit website bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design.  Here you can get videos on different topics and in different accents. It is great for those …

Pronunciation clues

Hey, what do you know about pronunciation? Do you think your pronunciation is great? Are you experiencing problems on understanding English sounds? For all those questions there’s a simple question …

Social media for learning

How do you use social media to help you learn? Social media may be of great help for your learning. There are many apps and resources that are all in …