Leap Year
Leap year: 2012 is a Leap Year – A leap year consists of 366 days, as opposed to a common year, which has 365 days. During Leap Years, we add a Leap …
How often to you use a dictionary? How well can you handle it? A dictionary is essentially a book with translation, explanation, pronunciation and information about words. It is also …
Have you ever listened to a book? Seriously, I really meant that! Nowadays technology has made that possible! I here present LibriVox that provides free audiobooks from the public domain. …
How well can you understand spoken English when you see a video? Or how much can you get from a hip hop song on the radio? Do you have problems …
No tuition money? No problem! There are many top universities that offer free courses online. This list ranks several of the best free university courses available for people who want …
Have you ever tried learning pronunciation through videos? Youtube brings thousands up to you. Try seeing some and practice together with the videos and you will see how much you …
Everyone knows the Internet is full of interesting ways to learn English. However there are those who feel better when studying in the traditional way. Are you the type of …
TED is a nonprofit website bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Here you can get videos on different topics and in different accents. It is great for those …
Hey, what do you know about pronunciation? Do you think your pronunciation is great? Are you experiencing problems on understanding English sounds? For all those questions there’s a simple question …
How do you use social media to help you learn? Social media may be of great help for your learning. There are many apps and resources that are all in …