Mrs or Mr???
History and etiquette tell us that Mister and Missus, known by the contractions Mr. andMrs., are the proper form of address for men and women. Beneath the surface of these everyday honorifics lies a linguistic glitch that has spawned …
History and etiquette tell us that Mister and Missus, known by the contractions Mr. andMrs., are the proper form of address for men and women. Beneath the surface of these everyday honorifics lies a linguistic glitch that has spawned …
black Eng·lish any of various nonstandard forms of English spoken by black people, especially as an urban dialect in the US. Also known as African American English , African American …
A long time ago while in a trip from the USA to Brazil I was in Hartford Airport in Atlanta, GA and I had to wait for over 3 hours …
I have just watched the wonderful movie “Into the wild” and it made me rethink of my behavior and go deep inside the thoughts and beliefs that make me ME! …
What do you understand from the term “nail house”? I bet you love living in the place you call home, don’t you? Surfing the web I have just stumbled upon …
That moment when you are caught red-handed because you are watching a silly video everybody but you has seen before! Well, recently (maybe late) I was surfing the net for …
How often do you go to parties? What are parties like in your country? I would like to share a very interesting point on this topic. Once, while …
Recently, on a trip to Oregon I found evidences that Chinese people can really make the difference. It is not only because they are too many, but also due to …
For many times some people were considered better than others. For many years the most powerful people from a specific group were the ones who could decide over everything. In …