Tip of the week

Como professores, vez ou outra encontramos materiais que realmente valem a pena ter para nossa consulta diária.

As teachers we are always receiving new material to analyse and use. Most materials are not suitable for what we need and we have to go on a book scavenger hunt to find good useful materials. Recently I stumbled upon these 3 books that came to be very useful in my practice. I strongly recommend teachers working with children and teenagers to have them in their personal libraries. They are a must have regarding what their purposes are.

 Inglês É 10!

Public: 0 to 7 year-olds

Activities: 90 different activities based on the meaningful learning approach.

Extra: warmups, controled practices, how to write lesson plans, tips on children development

Inglês É 11!

Public: 6 to 10 year-olds

Activities:  130 activities

Extra: it approaches the social, emotional and linguistic aspects children have. It also brings writing and reading techniques as well as games and lesson plans.

Inglês é teen!

Public: teenagers

Activities:  250 activities

Extra: Internet as a useful pedagogical resource, working with movies and short films, reading and writing activities.


Authors: Lilian Itzicovitch Leventhal and others

Publisher: Disal Editora