The more you read the more you learn

Learning through reading literary works

booksFrom day one at college I found it was much easier for me to learn English through literature and readings in general. At that time I was just an amateur reader and could not say much about the reasons why I made that decision that came to be a wise one. Most of my colleagues knew much more English than I could ever dare to. However, I was determined in my pursuit of happiness and that was meant to be learning this beautiful language.

In my mind I had the feeling that intense reading and extensive listening would be great to help me achieve my goals and so I did! I used to dedicate  4 to 6 hours a day only studying English by reading and listening to k7 tapes, as  we did not have mp3 or CDs or any other resource. For me that seems to have worked. I could see my improvement fast and after that rewarding experience I always tell my students to do the same.

Insofar, I want to share some of the works I read/listened to while I was a student. Here you can have the audio file, the pdf file and also a quiz to check your answers. Have fun!

You could start with the book “Stories of suspense“, written by the great American    writer Nathaniel Hawthorne.  In this book there are three stories: Young Goodman  BrownDr.  Heidegger’s experiment and The birthmark. Clicking on the links you can read  the original works of  Hawthorne.

Here you can find three quizzes, one for each story and one for the author’s biography. Also, you can listen to the mp3 file.

1- QUIZZ ONE –The birthmark  – ONLINE QUIZZ – Play MP3

2- QUIZZ TWO –Dr. Heidegger’s experiment   – ONLINE QUIZZ – Play MP3

3- QUIZZ THREE – Young Goodman Brown –  ONLINE QUIZZ –  Play MP3

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