The future of our students

This is a vision of a K-12 student:

  • How technology will be more and more a part and parcel of 21st century children
  • What sort of education they will need?
  • What should be done to teach them to think, analyze and apply?
  • What should be done to engage future students?
  • How different tools of technology will assist their learning?
  • What sort of jobs they will need to be prepared for?
  • Why most teachers don’t follow the trend?


I am a 21st century learner

I game 3 1/2 hours a week

I will spend 16,5 hours watching tv this week

5,5 hours on the computer

2 hours reading a book

I listened to 5 hours of harry potter on my ipod this week

We expect to be able to create



And share information with each other

My parents use email

I text instant messages

I blog

76% of my teachers have never used




At least 14% of my teachers let me create something new with technology

63% never do

61% of my reading teachers never use

Digital storytelling software

Ill learn by doing

What are we learning sitting here?

How do you learn?

What kind of education would you want me to have?

If i were your son, your daughter?

By the year 2016, the largest English speaking country will be China

There are more honor students in China

Than there are people in the USA

But only 1/2 of us will graduate from high school

Will I?

I will have 14 jobs before I am 38 years old

Most of those jobs do not exist today

How will this help me?

How could this help me?

Or this?

Help me to think

To create

To analyze

To evaluate

Teach me to think

Let me use the www




Let me tell a story


Engage me

We are digital learners!


Originally publishd in

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