Learning efficiently through FFE

Be honest to yourself: do you really believe that just by attending classes twice a week you will be a proficient speaker of a language? How long did you take to learn your mother language? Do you know everything in your language, including formal and informal aspects, slang and variations? What are your beliefs regarding learning a foreign language? It may sound as a silly or weird question but it is deeply important to whether you will learn a language or not!

Linguists and researchers from all over the world have been trying to understand the different ways people learn languages. Learning another language is a so complex process that there has been many different approaches concerning that. People used to believe that to learn a language one should live in another country and then be exposed to that language or that by communicating through basic vocabulary you can learn. Others believed that translation was the best way to learn languages.

Languages have been learned since people need to communicate to other people from outside their own culture. So culture is one very important aspect for that matter. When a language is studied you cannot forget the cultural aspect as language is the means through which culture is established. You Just can’t learn a language and forget the cultural aspect because the two – language and culture – are intertwined, that means, one is attached to the other!

My advice for you is that IF you really want to be a good speaker of a language you need to go through three main points: FFE! It stands for Focus, Faith and Effort!

 Focus on the things you want/need to learn! You can’t learn Just by going to classes and not doing extra practice!

– Have Faith on your goals and believe you can be a fluent speaker! Try out the things you learn! Speak more, be confident, go for it!

– Make Efforts to improve your abilities! Study more, read newspapers, magazines, see movies, watch vídeos, listen to podcasts!

Learning is not always a pleasure, but when it is the case of languages that can be awesome! Enjoy films, games, music, theater, books and more. There’s no such a thing as downloading a new language into our brain! It requires practice and the more you study a language the more you discover you have so much more to learn. That’s a paradox, but that is true!

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